0 Selves
Online Performance
Melting into the network, metamorphosing into the virtual ego, ‘0 Selves’ is a transforming figure, searching for an impossible hyperself, within the ever-changing digital terrain.
[0 Selves] is an explorative audio-visual journey created by experimental producer Meuko! Meuko! and Taipei-based new media art group NAXS Corp. Audiences must wander through the immense virtual world, to discover live sets, motion-captured virtual performances, and a deceptive virtual fable.
Presented at Rewire Festival
Production team : NAXS Corp.
Concept story & music : @meuko_meuko @software2050 @_noneye
Technical Director : Yi Kuo
Art Director : Han-Yu Feng
Creative Developer : Yi Kuo, @chococan.kp , @weihuang_
Scene Design : @real_software2050, @ixonorato , @eg.lio, Yi Kuo
Character Design : ixonorato, Han-Yu Feng
Avatar Performer : @wuuuoaaaaah
Graphic Design : @real_software2050